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Color & Theme Property

Color & Theme Property: This video contains how to use color & theme property of chart in OPNBI.


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Read 5 minutes tutorial here.

dashboard -icon 1

  • Color and Theme Property used to add different color themes in pie chart, The theme includes Default, Debounce, Material, Kelly, Dark, Frozen, Sprite, Moon Rise, Data Viz, AIS, AIS Dark, OPNBI University!

  • Color List contain colors properties used in Pie chart visualization, by applying it, User can change the particular color of field in pie chart widget.

Color Palette​

  • By clicking on dashboard -icon 1 you will see palette window as below:

    dashboard -icon 1

  • Palette will show a range of colors. It is extended beyond actual colors to include figurative colors and it's a selection from all available colors.

Example of Color and Theme in pie chart:​

  • Theme Name: Material

dashboard -icon 1

  • Theme Name: Kelly

dashboard -icon 1

  • Theme Name: Dark

dashboard -icon 1

  • Theme Name: Frozen

dashboard -icon 1

To know more about other formatting properties click on below links:-

1. Formatting Property​

2. Chart Appearance​

3. Chart Title​

4. Chart Tooltip​

5. Dynamic Dataset Color​

6. Export Filename​

7. Global Thousand and Decimal Separator​

8. Include Null Value​